Farming System In Nepal 

Farming System In Nepal 

Farming is a systematic arrangement of different enterprises like livestock, crops and forestry. Nepal is an agricultural country and people mostly here are engaged in Agriculture. In Nepal, farming system is still dependent on weather condition and over-dependence on rainfall is the main challenge that farmers have faced due to lack of irrigation facility. Only about 17% of total cultivated land has year-round irrigation which is very less. And also, farming in Nepal is dominated by traditional methods in hilly region whereas in Terai region, advanced and modern practices has been adopted but still there’s more to be modernized. 

Types of farming system 

Subsistence farming  

In this farming, crops and livestock are raised to meet the family demand with no or little surplus produced. Nepalese Hill agriculture is dominated by subsistence farming where different crops are grown in same piece of land with the integration of livestock. Usually, the requirements of family  is fulfilled through products from the farm to some extent and surplus produce is marketed.  

Commercial farming  

In this farming, farm enterprise are managed with the goal of producing more and to be sold in the market for a profit. It is more capital intensive farming where machinery and improved technology are practiced in large area. It is usually practiced in Terai region of Nepal. 

Integrated farming  

It is a combined approach which focuses on sustainable Agriculture by integrating agricultural and livestock enterprise in a single unit. It has gained more attention in recent years. Crops, livestock, birds and trees are the major component and also includes fuel, fodder and fruit trees. The main advantage of this farming system is to reduce cost production through input recycling from byproducts of allied interposed and increase farm income through diverse products. It also sustain soil health and productivity.  

Intensive farming  

Farms that are operated using large amount of capital and labor to maximize production. The main goal of intensive farming is to increase efficiency and increased food production with improved crop quality. It is characterized by the use of genetically modified organisms, agrochemicals, fertilizer in intensive manner. It is usually practiced in larger area and popular in Terai region of Nepal. 

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